Interior painting is not like other trades.
When you hire other trades you look at references; you look at ability to do the job; you look at the price. But with interior painting there is a fourth aspect that’s unique to interior painting and That’s one of trust. Because you’re letting people you don’t know into your home! You’re handing over the front door key for weeks on end. You know that this is the person doing the job will be in your bedroom; in your bathroom; your kids bedrooms; all through the house while you’re at work. So it’s absolutely vital that you have trust in this person that’s why it’s absolutely vital that you MEET the person who will be doing your painting job. Many larger painting companies sub contract the job itself out, so the person you meet at the initial meeting may be loveliest person in the world, but they won’t be doing the painting. They’re the estimator, or the salesperson, and they sell you the job then they move onto the next one. They sub contract the the actual task (painting your home) out to subcontractors and if one of those painters or groups of painters is unavailable they just find another one. The day that your painting project starts a stranger turns up at your front door and you give them the key and away they go. That’s why it’s so important that when you get a quote from a painter (whether it’s me with somebody else) you meet the person is going to be in your house for weeks on end. You need to be comfortable with the guy getting his hands dirty and his team. So sure have a look at their work make sure the painting company has done something similar to your home already. Look at their reviews online make sure that other people think they’re pretty good. Look at their costs and make sure they’re fair. They should be not so high that you feel as though you’re being ripped off, but not so low that you feel as though they have to rush the job and can’t fix any contingencies that may arise. These are all important factors when choosing a painter, but at the end of the day, probably the MOST important part of choosing a painter is if you can TRUST THAT PERSON IN YOUR HOME. Comments are closed.
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