![]() Cheap Dulux Paint. Ok you’ve decided that Dulux is the brand of paint for you – either to apply yourself or have your painter apply. The next question is, “How much does Dulux Paint cost?”. Sorry, I have some bad news for you. Dulux is recognised by many (but not all) as the best Australian paint and is therefore the most expensive Australian paint. That’s not really surprising. But fear not. There are ways of getting a discount on Dulux paint. Read on ... Also please note, the following is based on my experience as a professional interior painter. I've tried a lot of different paints but by no means all of them. I've decided that most paints in the Dulux range have the right combination of quality, price, and availability for the work I DO. Cheap Dulux Paint - Bunnings1. Buy Dulux at Bunnings. Massive buying power means that Bunnings can sell Dulux for less than most competitors. Bunnings is everywhere so it’s a convenient choice too. But wait! There’s more! 2A. Get yourself a Bunnings PowerPass discount card – Part A This card gives you 5% discount on paint. If you have an ABN (Australian Business Number) in some sort of trade you can buy Dulux paint for 5% less. Your trade doesn’t even have to be painting. AND I’ve heard rumours that having an ABN in ANY business, trade or not, can work. It’s worth a try. https://www.bunnings.com.au/trade/powerpass 2B. Get yourself a Bunnings PowerPass discount card – Part B Bunnings website says the following: “Selected organisations and small businesses across a range of sectors and industries such as facilities management, aged care, education, manufacturing and government where building, maintenance and repair work is frequently carried out. If you are unsure whether you qualify for PowerPass in your industry, or you want to understand your options, you can discuss this with a member of our Bunnings Trade Organisations team at Email: [email protected] Again worth a try. 2C. Get yourself a Bunnings PowerPass discount card – Part C Owner builders can have one. You'll have to quote your owner builder licence number. These seem like fairly broad ranges to try. Basically Bunnings seem Ok to give the 5% discount on paint (using the PowerPass card) to pretty much any business, sole trader or Not-For-Profit that does some sort of construction/repair/maintenance … even if it’s only sometimes! But .... there’s a BUT. As a professional painter I buy nearly all of my Dulux whites, pre-mixed colours, and primers at Bunnings. BUT when it comes to MIXED COLOURS, I’m very sorry to say I’ve just given up on Bunnings (By that I mean any Dulux colour that has to have tint added to the base can to achieve the colour I want). Why? I’ve had 4 wrongly mixed colours in 18 months. Each one I assumed was correct and it wasn’t until I started a wall or opened the can onsite that I saw the mistake. And so did my client, so I looked like a fool. Now this is just MY EXPERIENCE. Maybe I've just been unlucky. And I do buy a lot of paint so the odds of an occasional stuff up are higher. And the Bunnings people do cheerfully replace the wrong colour with the right one. BUT 4 times is just too much for me. You know, time is money!!! And that’s the reason I buy ALL my mixed colour Dulux paint at a chain of speciality paint stores called Inspirations Paint. Cheap Dulux Paint - Inspirations paintPaint is all these guys do and they are very good with advice, service and … giving me the right colour!!! Their pricing is on average 5% higher than Bunnings standard price. But if you join their Inspirations Paint Club, you can get a 5% discount on paint, bringing you back to Bunnings standard low price. You also get 10% discount on brushes, tape, drop sheets etc. https://www.inspirationspaint.com.au/register You also get more specialised paint advice and (in my experience anyway) THE RIGHT FLIPPING COLOUR EVERY TIME! So, there you have it. Dulux is a very good paint brand, and is therefore expensive, but with a bit of effort you can buy it for a wee bit less. Good luck! Was this info helpful? If so, please leave a 5 star rating. Its easy and fast. No review needed. Are you looking for an expert interior painter in the lower north shore? What is the best brand of interior wall paint in 2024?
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